The Role of Investment Loans in Supporting Small Income -Generating Projects 2008-2018 /Department of Labor and Training Case study


  • Diaa Hussain Saud



Loans, Small Projects, Income


As a result of the bad economic and social conditions and the inability of the public sector to absorb the large numbers of unemployed, the Iraqi government, through the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, adopted the investment loan grant program from 2007 to accommodate the largest segment of the unemployed, as the problem facing the establishment of Small projects are represented in a lack of funding, solving this problem is through local or international support. The results of the research have shown an increase in the number of registrants on the request for investment loans, due to the need to create small income-generating projects in various fields (industrial, service, commercial). The researcher recommends the need to coordinate with international organizations in implementing and supporting small projects to find job opportunities and develop and expand employment programs and loans in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.


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How to Cite

The Role of Investment Loans in Supporting Small Income -Generating Projects 2008-2018 /Department of Labor and Training Case study. (2021). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 49(2), 196-204.