Determine the Most Important Types of Gases That Cause Air Pollution Using the MCD Genetic Algorithm


  • Fatimah A. Jawad Al-Bermani
  • Mohammad H. Jawad Al-Bermani



Genetic Algorithm, Definiteness, Finitenes, Effectiveness, Minimum Covariance Determinant


One of the primary factors affecting human life is air pollution, and due to the environmental conditions that the country is going through, it was necessary to investigate the different gases that are released into the atmosphere and contribute to air pollution by using the genetic algorithm Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD). The study was conducted on a set of gases and pollutants that were measured as monthly averages at three sites (Al-Waziriyah, Al-Andalus Square, and Al-Saydiya) in Baghdad Governorate in 2019. Data were collected from the Central Statistical Organization for four different types of gases: (Methane gas 〖 CH〗_4 , Carbon Monoxide gas CO , Nitrous gas 〖NO〗_2 , and Sulfur Dioxide gas 〖SO〗_2) . To identify the most significant gases that contribute to air pollution, use the smallest determinant of the covariance matrix and by comparing the variance for each type. The most polluting gas was discovered to be carbon monoxide (CO), which was followed by nitrous gas 〖NO〗_2, carbon dioxide gas 〖SO〗_2, and methane gas 〖 CH〗_4, which is regarded as the least polluting gas.


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How to Cite

Determine the Most Important Types of Gases That Cause Air Pollution Using the MCD Genetic Algorithm. (2024). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 54(1), 100-106.