Legal Treatment of Radical Terrorist Ideologies


  • Odah Yousef Salman



Terrorist Groups, Excommunicating Ideology, Procedural Criminal Policy, Legal Confrontation


Terrorism has become a criminal phenomenon that threatens all humanity, and drag it to the primitive ages, because these crimes involve the brutality , violence, barbarism , a clear violation of positive laws, humanitarian values and divine laws. Despite the cover up in religious values, commissioning of terrorist crimes under the auspices al-Sharea and implementation of its provisions , religion is innocent of the terrorists and their crimes. As the world today starts to understands beyond any doubt possibility , the real danger lies in thought and ideology adopted by terrorism. Perhaps the most dangerous is the excommunicating ideology that terrorists rely upon in the commission of terrorist crimes. This requires to face this thought and drain its resources. In this study we address Legal treatment of excommunicating ideology connected with the extremist terrorist groups , and highlight the historical roots of this ideology , the history the groups adopted and the political systems that support it. The study attempts to draw an outline of substantive and procedural "Criminal Policy" to be adopted, which would achieve effective legal confrontation of excommunicating ideology connected with the extremist terrorist groups.


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How to Cite

Legal Treatment of Radical Terrorist Ideologies. (2021). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 42(1), 70-95.