Complete Response of an Iraqi Patient with Multiple Liver Metastasis, Colon Cancer and Deep Vein Thrombosis to XELOX/Bevacizumab Treatment


  • Rasha Mahroos Faris Ramadi Maternity and Children Teaching Hospital, Anbar, Iraq
  • Mohammed Mahmood Mohammed Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ayman Adnan Delan Anbar Specialized Oncology Center, Anbar, Iraq



Bevacizumab, Colon cancer, DVT, Metastasis , XELOX


Background: The incidence of colon cancer is rising globally, and several therapeutic techniques, such as surgery, radiation, and systemic therapy, are used to control this illness. Patients with initially treatable metastatic colorectal cancer and unresectable metastases receive preoperative chemotherapy. In patients with rapidly progressing cancer, this strategy aims to shrink the tumor, manage any micro-metastases, and avoid liver surgery. Case presentation: We present a rare case of an Iraqi patient with metastatic colon cancer and an initially unresectable liver metastasis. The patient initially experienced a partial response to chemotherapy with capecitabine, oxaliplatin (XELOX), and Bevacizumab, but after a few days, we observed deep venous thrombosis (DVT). We stopped the oxaliplatin and administered Capecitabine with bevacizumab as a chemotherapy treatment, observing no adverse effects during the therapy period and achieving a complete response with Capecitabine and bevacizumab. Conclusions: The full response in the liver and colon after treatment, which reduced the patients' treatment burden, was the case's unique result. Additionally, this study highlights deep vein thrombosis as a critical problem that can arise with the use of oxaliplatin.



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Cancer. 2021 [cited 31 August 2021]. Available at: https://

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How to Cite

Faris, R. M., Mohammed, M. M., & Delan, A. A. (2024). Complete Response of an Iraqi Patient with Multiple Liver Metastasis, Colon Cancer and Deep Vein Thrombosis to XELOX/Bevacizumab Treatment. Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences ( ISSN 2789-3219 ), 7(1(Special), S53–57.

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